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How Science Can Help You Lead Effectively


Science is life. It can help us live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

Its use is critical to the longevity of our species on this planet.

It's why I'm a scientist at heart and incorporate it into every aspect of my life, including leadership.

On the latest episode of The Dr. Denise Simpson Podcast, I talk about the evolving nature of leadership and the critical role of science in fostering innovation in our practice.

I explain how you can use science to lead your teams more effectively.

Read on for a few examples.

Science teaches you how to think critically
A vital leadership skill across all industries is critical thinking.

In the American school system, we're taught WHAT to think, not HOW to think. We have standardized testing for most educational journeys, so we're prepared to pass a test.

Thinking critically requires collecting, processing, and synthesizing data to develop a satisfactory solution.

It's a complex process used every day.

Science teaches you how to solve problems
Leaders are hired to do two main things: Solve problems and create solutions.

No one tells you this when you promote to leadership. Since you demonstrated some potential and your resume convinced someone to hire you, you are now expected to demonstrate the ability to do these two things AND SO MUCH MORE.

Fortunately, science helps you solve problems to create solutions for your organization.

Science teaches you how to create engaged and committed employees
Creating engaged and committed employees is often overlooked.

When you're busy developing your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, you neglect the essence of leadership--INFLUENCE. We influence our employees to reach department objectives, organizational goals, and KPIs--among other things.

And the ONLY way to do this is through engaged and committed employees.

Fortunately, my Ph.D. dissertation and research focus since has been on using science to help my clients create a workforce that trusts and feels safe under your leadership.

These are just a few ways science can help you lead and influence effectively.

Click here to listen to episode #140 because your leadership depends on it!


Your coach,

Dr. Denise




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