Hey, what is happening, leaders? I'm so excited to be here. Listen, this is the Dr. Denise Simpson podcast. We are resurrecting the podcast from a long hold, a long hiatus, because I spent twenty twenty four doing a lot of trainings, trainings for my clients, trainings for you, trainings for teams, trainings for my my team as well. And so I spent a great deal of time doing trainings. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, you're going to want to go to drdeniessimpson.com and click on one of the tabs there on trainings, because every week I was coming to you with in the moment provocative conversations around leadership topics that matter to you and then matter to your teams. And so with the training that takes a lot more preparation, obviously it takes more energy, it takes more effort. to pre-plan the trainings, depending on world events, depending on United States events and elections and so forth, and other things, research in particular, surveys in particular, that impact how we show up as leaders. And so doing leadership trainings every week took a lot of time, and I absolutely enjoyed them. I mean, I love... to prepare. My research brain loves to look at all angles. I'm very much a skeptic. I'm not a cynic, but I am a skeptic and that has served me very well as a researcher. And so the trainings I brought to you were filled with a lot of the latest research and my professional and yes, personal opinion on some of this information. So if it had anything to do with leadership, if it had anything to do with employee engagement and commitment, if it had anything to do with organizational behavior, I wanted to dive into the neuroscience behind it, the coaching psychology behind it, the leader psychology and follower dyad behind it. So trainings are a whole other way of communicating information and giving you actionable steps to go and apply this information so that you can learn the information. Trainings are all about learning because I don't believe that information is enough anymore. You have so much information at your fingertips. I mean, my goodness, you have so much information. We all do. So we have to take it a step further. It's now about transformation. What are you going to do with that information so it can transform you and your leadership practice? That's the goal for all of my trainings, including these podcast episodes that we are going to do for you because it's not enough to just have information. You're going to have to transform your life with it. And it's up to you on what you're going to do with that information. And so episodes are a little more casual. Like what we're doing today. I don't have an outline. I don't have notes. I have not done research for this episode. I want it to be casual. I want it to be... I want it to resonate with where you are right now. And so it's more of a casual approach to talking about your leadership and talking about how as you master your leadership, you then have a greater impact. on your teams, in your families, in your communities. And so it is exciting to now shift and pivot our attention to the podcast. So welcome. It's the Dr. Denise Simpson podcast. We're already all over the place, right? We're everywhere. And so I want for you to... Sit back, relax, because it is time for us to get informal, right? Those leadership trainings were a little bit more formal because a lot of leaders and decision makers in these organizations were watching these trainings. And so now we get to just chill out and get comfortable with each other because I think we know each other well enough for us to get comfortable with each other. And so I... will be coming on video uh as much as I possibly can and especially if I have guests that I want to interview and there's so many amazing people that I want on this podcast because you know there's just so much I love there's so much I'm reading there's so much I'm doing like I have two books open at the same time like kathy heller abundance ever after I'm just dying right now over her also I picked up richard roars the universal christ I'm just like all over the place because I just love to read I love to fill my brain with inspiring, thought-provoking information. When you give me something that is new, something that is exciting, something that resonates with me right now at this point in my life, in this season of my life, I'm just going to talk all about it. I'm going to devour it and then transform my life with this information and then share it with you and let you know, well, how's it working out, Denise? Let me tell you how it's working out. And this is how it applies to me. Maybe you'll find this useful and maybe this will be helpful for you. So that's my goal in the podcast episodes that we're going to do for you here. So again, informal. I want it to be thought provoking still. I want to, yes, provide you with information, but then inspire you to go and put it into action. But this isn't a training situation. You want to go watch my trainings? You go to drdeniessimpson.com, click on the tab, and go watch all the leadership trainings I have for you, plus all of the incredible research that went into getting those trainings for you. And they were free, and they still are free. There's no paywall to get to that. You get to it right now. You get to take that information and then go and apply it and transform your leadership practice. then I'm going to invite you to come here for a more informal approach at the Dr. Denise Simpson podcast. And so welcome to this new show. Let's call it a show. It's a podcast show. Let's call it what it is. It is new. It is refreshing because I've taken a long necessary break. Speaking of necessary breaks, I took one from the end of November to right now in January because I Um, listen, I'm a manifester in human design and I need to like a snake, which I am. I'm a fire snake in the Chinese horoscope, which begins today, I believe. Um, I like to go crawl under, uh, a rock and stay nice and cool and collected and, uh, until I have to go and fetch some food and then I'm out. Let's go. I I'm on fire hunting, but in true form, um, of a manifestor. I retreat when I need to retreat. I'm also, I think it's called an ambivert. You're both introverted and extroverted. So someone who lives in these two worlds, because in my leadership development and training company, I am the person who delivers these trainings. I do have a team of researchers that work with me. And so we collect data. We also look at what the latest empirical research is out there. And then we design curriculum based on your workforce if you are an organizational buyer. But if you're someone like just us out here trying to do the best we can. right? That's when I want to show up for you with some really inspiring information. And so if you're anything like me, you're both an introvert and an extrovert, you're in the right place. If you're anything like me, where you're a master manifester, you create incredible things in your life and you have such strong desire for more. You may not be a manifester in human design because we're only who has strong desire, you are welcome here. If you are somebody who has been told, you're too much, girl, you're too much, or you've been told more, You want more? Like that's not enough for you? You want more? Why do you deserve more? Then this is the place for you. You belong here. So I want to make something very, very clear. Our desires were put into us because of a greater reason. And we'll talk about those in some interesting private Zoom rooms I'm going to develop for us. But know that that desire was placed on your heart for a reason. It's not because you're greedy. It's not because you're selfish. It's not because you need to fill a big hole in your heart, right? I mean, I've been told that so many times. What's all the void that you have? Is it because you've got all this void and you want more? No, I want more because it's more. More is more. And I desire so much more because there's so much ambition in this body. There's no reason for us to explain this to some folks, but if you are that person who is saying, yeah, Denise, I desire more, not because I have a hole in my heart. I desire more because, oh, I want more and I can do more. There's so much more. Like, The capacity to receive and to give has expanded. And what more can I do? What else can I do? Well, let's keep going. You belong here. I say all that to say that you belong here. And so I was told many, many times, I've been told many times, and I have to be honest with you, it's been a good ten years where I've just like, I've completely shut out people who don't appreciate my expansiveness, don't appreciate my desire for more. This is why I'm married to someone who is so open. He is expansive to more. He's like, what more do you want? Because I want this. What do you want? I'm like, well, I want this. Okay, well, let's go get it all. Let's go get it all. And that's why he's who he is and why I married him. because um he has never told me no I have never told myself no so of course I was going to marry someone who who wouldn't tell me no um my friends my very tight circle of friends I mean you ask them Um, you know, does Denise lack anything? No, absolutely not. And, and by the way, there's more coming. She wants more and, and she's always all about what she wants and it's going to, it's coming. And so that's who I want for you to surround yourself with. I want, I want for you to start taking on this identity of more of expansiveness, of of bringing in more so that you can give more right because I don't believe you became a leader for the material reasons for the status for the salary even like I don't believe you be you got into leadership because that was important It's important. We live in a three D world. We need some material things to live in this crazy world, but I believe it was because you wanted to make a greater impact in your communities, in your organizations, even in your families, you wanted to change the trajectory of some interesting generational things. I believe you are put on this planet and you know, this is true. because this is resonating with you, then you belong here. Then you belong here. I totally believe that you want more and it's the impact that you are searching for. It's the amplification of all of your God-given gifts and talents. You want to secure that energy because too many people have been depleting your energy and you are done with it all. You're done with that. So you belong here. This is going to be a different kind of podcast. It's not going to be, again, for those of you who know me in the training space, great. Thank you. Keep following me there because I have tons of trainings for you. My team and I have created so much for you over this break. But now that we are focusing on truly developing the podcast, the Dr. Denise Simpson podcast, I don't know where we're going to go with it. We have some ideas written out. We met up during the holidays to kind of figure some things out. Um, but because I'm constantly creating as a human design manifestor, um, I create, put things into the world. I count on them to, you know, put it out into the world and then I retreat. And then it's like, okay, what's next? Let's try something else. Oh, well, let's do this. Okay. Well, what's next? Oh, great. How about that? So I'm, I'm, I am always shifting. The energy in my body is always, there's a huge ebb and flow and there is, um, but it always with the idea of expansiveness and really increasing the capacity to receive those creative downloads and then go and put it out into the world. So There's some shifting happening. We can call it pivoting, whatever. But there are some interesting shifts in energy that are happening that I'm excited to share with you here on this podcast. And so welcome to the Dr. Denise Simpson podcast. Join me here every single week. I will do the best I can to do these video podcast components to the podcast. audio podcast versions. Um, that way you have a place to watch and also a place where you can listen to if you, um, you know, need to put in your earbuds at work, um, and just tap your app and listen to me. That's fine. But I love the video component and some of these podcast episodes will be live, live because I'm hoping to bring on some incredible guests and and have them right here live with me and so that we can share this with the world. So welcome, dear leader. Happy you are here. Happy you found me here. Now you're going to want to head over to where you listen to your favorite podcast episodes and go subscribe there. And then wherever you're watching the video component, the video episode, subscribe there too. So you don't miss when we go live or when we have a new video for you. all right welcome to the new era of simplification right here in the dr denise simpson podcast it'll be everything that you were hoping for everything that you desire everything that you need to help you grow and expand and increase the capacity to receive all of the greatness that is only waiting for you to say yes to so I will see you on our next podcast episode. Take good care. Bye.